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WARNING! We're mean. We're nasty. We're merciless. We're cruel. We're vile. We're heartless. We'll slash your soul to ribbons. We're an evil clique conspiring to annihilate your self-esteem. Ready? New to the PFFA? Read the Hot & Sexy Posting Guidelines and burrow through the Blurbs of Wisdom |
A place for newcomers and those unfamiliar with the rigors of a poetry workshop to be placed on the rack and elongated. Err. No. I mean, a place to introduce oneself and possibly acquire some posting and critting sea legs. As always, 3 crits per posted poem applies. (If you're new to critique, this will help.)
Read it. Read it all. Absorb. Become one with it all. Then apply.
A post-free, purge-free haven for handy snippets on poetry and such, generally posted in Voyages and pickled for posterity here by the mods. Don't start or reply to threads.
Exemplary critiques selected by your Minstrels of Merriment.
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